QFWL23_09; Quantum Forum

Quantum Forum

This online gathering is for artists, writers, researchers, and other curious folk interested in exchanging inquiries, ideas, and practices in/about the Quantum realm, entanglement, strange attractors and synchronicities.

The event is intended to be an interactive and discursive space to focus on these topics in  hopes of building towards an ongoing research group. The two afternoon sessions will be mobilized by a provocation, followed by sharing and discussion. Please bring some material to share, it can be a text, project, anecdote, practice - anything you want to bring to the potluck of quantum offerings!


Session I | 14:00 - 16:00

14:15 - 14: 45 - Provocation 1: Situating ourselves within existing quantum research and theory
In this short lecture we attempt to identify and define common terminology within quantum physics, opening up for our intuitive interpretations and disections of various quantum experiments and theories. 

14:45 - 16:00 - Show and Tell
(Bring a text, artwork, practice, object, etc which illustrates some conception you have about Quantum Physics) 

16:00 - 16:15 : break

Session II | 16:15 - 18:00

16:15 - 16:45 - Provocation 2: Quantum Art Practises; moving/making/hacking
with/in the Quantum World
Here we give a short presentation sharing other people’s Quantum research such Libby Heely, Karen Barad, Pauline Oliveros, and welcome any other references to practioners working in this field. 

16:45 - 18:00 - Quantum Jamming: Open creative lab session

link to presentation here.
08 October, 2023